Experts propose holding some classes outdoors, something that is already done in some Southeast Asian countries. Would it have a real effect?

There are several population studies currently underway to find out the influence of different strategies aimed at increasing exposure to natural light and open spaces with the aim of bending the rising prevalence curve of myopia. It will take some time to know which of these strategies are the most effective, based not only on their primary objective of preventing the progression of myopia, but also on the ease of implementing them.

Taking into account that today electronic screens are practically used in any area, is it a situation that is inevitable to get worse?

I dare to predict that the brake on the progression of myopia will come from adapting our lifestyle along the lines of what has already been stated: limiting the time dedicated to doing close work, combining it with daily access to outdoor activities. . The situation, therefore, will be avoidable as long as we move towards that goal.